The aerodynamic performance of a transonic airfoil with spanwise forcing
N.Berizzi, D.Gatti, G.Soldati, S.Pirozzoli & M.Quadrio
Submitted to J. Fluid Mechanics, 2025
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2502.04516 -
Near-field aeroacoustic effects of spanwise forcing on a transonic wing: a DNS study
N.Berizzi, D.Gatti, G.Soldati, S.Pirozzoli & M.Quadrio
Applied Science, 15(2), p.814, 2025 -
Turbulent skin-friction drag reduction via spanwise forcing at high Reynolds number
D.Gatti, M.Quadrio, A.Chiarini, F.Gattere & S.Pirozzoli
Submitted to J. Fluid Mechanics, 2025
Modeling and simulation of the human respiratory system; Part 1: Computational fluid dynamics simulations and whole lung models
G.H.Spasov, J.P.Jamieson, A.P.McKiernan, M.J.Grill, K.W.Mueller, K.Burrowes, M.Quadrio, E.Estes, L.Cacopardo, A.J.Banko, Ma.Reddemann, F.F.Stellari, C.Cottini & A.Benassi
Inhalation, pp.1–12, Dec. 1, 2024 -
Comparison between topological and surface sensitivities for bio-fluid dynamics applications
E.Segalerba, E.Gallorini, M.Quadrio & J.O.Pralits
Meccanica in press -
An adjoint-based approach for the surgical correction of nasal septal deviations
M.Macellari, A.Schillaci, U.Tanzini, M.Trimarchi & M.Quadrio
Computers in Biology and Medicine 176 108566, pp.1–11, 2024
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2405.07959 -
Tomo-PIV in a patient-specific model of human nasal cavities: a methodological approach
S.M.Tauwald, F.Erzinger, M.Quadrio, M.Rütten, C.Stemmer & L.Krenkel
Measurement Science and Technology 35 n.5, 055203, pp.1–17, 2024 -
Spatial discretization effects in spanwise forcing for turbulent drag reduction
E.Gallorini & M.Quadrio
J. Fluid Mechanics 982 A11, pp.1–25, 2024
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2401.11722 -
Comparing flow-based and anatomy-based features in the data-driven study of nasal pathologies
A.Schillaci, K.Hasegawa, C.Pipolo, G.Boracchi & M.Quadrio
Flow 4 E5, pp.1–16, 2024
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2312.09929 -
Turbulent drag reduction with streamwise travelling waves in the compressible regime
F.Gattere, M.Zanolini, D.Gatti, M.Bernardini & M.Quadrio
J. Fluid Mechanics 987 A30, pp.1–26, 2024
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2312.09929 -
On the comparison between pre- and post-surgery nasal anatomies via computational fluid dynamics
E.Segalerba, G. Dini Ciacci, M.Quadrio & J.O.Pralits
Biomechanics and Modelling in Mechanobiology 23 pp.305–314, 2024
Linear stability of Poiseuille flow over a steady spanwise Stokes layer
D.Massaro, F.Martinelli, P.J.Schmid & M.Quadrio
Physics Review Fluids 8 103920, pp.1–23, 2023
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2308.11525 -
Curvature effects on the structure of near-wall turbulence
D.Selvatici, M.Quadrio & A.Chiarini
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 972 A39, pp.1–28, 2023
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2308.09039 -
On-off pumping for drag reduction in a turbulent channel flow
G.Foggi Rota, A.Monti, M.E.Rosti & M.Quadrio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 966 A12, pp.1–12, 2023
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2305.00214 -
Structure function tensor equations with triple decomposition
F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, E.Gallorini & M.Quadrio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 960 A7, pp.1–42, 2023
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2302.09305 -
Optimization of patient positioning for improved healing after corneal transplantation
V.Garcia Bennett, M.Alberti, M.Quadrio & J.O.Pralits
J. Biomechanics 150 111510, pp.1–9, 2023 -
Saving Energy in Turbulent Flows with Unsteady Pumping
G.Foggi Rota, A.Monti, M.E.Rosti & M.Quadrio
Nature Sci.Rep. 13 1299, pp.1–6, 2023
Coherent near-wall structures and drag reduction by spanwise forcing
E.Gallorini, M.Quadrio & D.Gatti
Physical Review Fluids 7 114602, pp.1–19, 2022
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2208.09955 -
An almost subharmonic instability in the flow past rectangular cylinders
A.Chiarini, M.Quadrio & F.Auteri
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 950 A20, pp.1–25, 2022 -
Structure of turbulence in the flow around a rectangular cylinder
A.Chiarini, D.Gatti, A.Cimarelli & M.Quadrio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 946 A35, pp.1–35, 2022
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2207.05799 -
Dimples for skin-friction drag reduction: status and perspectives
F.Gattere, A.Chiarini & M.Quadrio
Fluids 7 n.7, 240 Special Issue on Drag Reduction in Turbulent Flows
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2207.04446 -
Wall Turbulence and Turbulent Drag Reduction
P.Luchini & M.Quadrio, 2022
50+ Years of AIMETA, Springer, ed. G.Rega -
Drag Reduction by Riblets on a Commercial UAV
L.Cacciatori, C.Brignoli, B.Mele, F.Gattere, C.M.Monti & M.Quadrio
Applied Science, Energy Science and Technology 12 n.10, Special Issue on Flow Control, Active and Passive Applications, 2022 -
Drag reduction on a transonic airfoil
M.Quadrio, A.Chiarini, J.Banchetti, D.Gatti, A.Memmolo & S.Pirozzoli
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 942 R2, 2022
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2204.12172 -
Importance of the numerical schemes in the CFD of the human nose
A.Schillaci & M.Quadrio
Journal of Biomechanics 138 111100, pp.1–9, 2022 -
A new scaling for the flow instability past symmetric bluff bodies
A.Chiarini, M.Quadrio & F.Auteri
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 936 R2, pp.1–11, 2022 -
On the frequency selection mechanism of the low-$Re$ flow around rectangular cylinders
A.Chiarini, M.Quadrio & F.Auteri, 2022
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 933 A44 pp.1–25, 2022 -
The importance of corner sharpness in the BARC test case: A numerical study
A.Chiarini & M.Quadrio
Wind and Structures, an International Journal 34 n.1, pp.43–58, 2022
Ascending-descending and direct-inverse cascades of Reynolds stresses in turbulent Couette flow
A.Chiarini, M.Mauriello, D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 930 A9, pp.1–22, 2021
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2109.03522 -
Linear stability of the steady flow past rectangular cylinders
A.Chiarini, M.Quadrio & F.Auteri, 2021
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 929 A36 pp.1–30, 2021 -
Global energy budgets in turbulent Couette and Poiseuille flows
A.Andreolli, M.Quadrio & D.Gatti
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 924 A25 pp.1–20, 2021
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2106.14495 -
Skin-friction reduction using periodic blowing through streamwise slits
X.Q.Cheng, Z.X.Qiao, X.Zhang, M.Quadrio & Y.Zhou
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 920 A50 pp.1–33, 2021 -
The turbulent flow over the BARC rectangular cylinder: a DNS study
A.Chiarini & M.Quadrio
Flow Turbulence and Combustion 107 pp.875–899, 2021
Arxiv:physics.flu-dyn/2105.00910 -
Through The Back Door: Expiratory Accumulation of SARS-Cov-2 in the Olfactory Mucosa as Mechanism for CNS Penetration
C.Pipolo, A.M.Bulfamante, A.Schillaci, J.Banchetti, L.Castellani, A.M.Saibene, G.Felisati & M.Quadrio
International Journal of Medical Sciences 18 pp.2102–2018, 2021
MedRxiv:20201209 -
A direction-splitting Navier–Stokes solver on co-located grids
A.Chiarini, M.Quadrio & F.Auteri
Journal of Computational Physics 429 110023, pp.1–20, 2021 -
The light/dark cycle of microalgae in a thin-layer photobioreactor
A.Chiarini & M.Quadrio
Journal of Applied Phycology 33 pp.183–195, 2021
Structure function tensor equations in inhomogeneous turbulence
D.Gatti, A.Chiarini, A.Cimarelli & M.Quadrio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 898 A5, pp.1–33, 2020
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/2005.07438 -
Turbulent drag reduction over curved walls
J.Banchetti, P.Luchini & M.Quadrio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 896 A10, pp.1–23, 2020
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/2004.12086 -
Partial preservation of the inferior turbinate in endoscopic medial maxillectomy: a computational fluid dynamics study
A.Saibene, G.Felisati, C.Pipolo, A.Bulfamante, M.Quadrio & V.Covello
American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy 34 n.3, pp.409–416, 2020 -
On the turbulence modeling of blood flow in a stenotic vessel
M.Lui, S.Martino, M.Salerno & M.Quadrio
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 142 n.1, 001009-11, 2020
D. Gatti, A. Remigi, A. Chiarini, A. Cimarelli & M. Quadrio
An efficient numerical method for the Generalized Kolmogorov Equation
Journal of Turbulence 20 n.8, pp.457–480, 2019
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1910.06409 -
Thermal water delivery in the nose: an assessment of droplet deposition through computational fluid dynamics
E.Buijs, V.Covello, C.Pipolo, A.Saibene, G.Felisati & M.Quadrio
Acta Othorinolaringologica Italica Epub 2019 Jan 31, pp.1–8, 2019
Global energy fluxes in fully-developed turbulent channels with flow control
D.Gatti, A. Cimarelli, Y. Hasegawa, B. Frohnapfel & M.Quadrio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 857 pp.345–373, 2018
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1809.00730 -
Numerical simulation of thermal water delivery in the human nasal cavity
V.Covello, C.Pipolo, A.Saibene, G.Felisati & M.Quadrio
Computers in Biology and Medicine 100 pp.62–73, 2018 -
Preface to the Theme Issue on Drag Reduction and Flow Control
M.Quadrio & K.-S. Choi
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 100 pp.875–876, 2018
Turbulent Drag Reduction by Uniform Blowing Over a Two-dimensional Roughness
E.Mori, M.Quadrio & K.Fukagata
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 99 pp.765–785, 2017 -
Velocity measurements in nasal cavities by means of stereoscopic PIV – Preliminary tests
F.Cozzi, G.Felisati & M.Quadrio
Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 882 012010, 2017 -
Direct Numerical Simulation and Theory of a Wall-Bounded Flow with Zero Skin Friction
G.Coleman, S.Pirozzoli, M.Quadrio & P.Spalart
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 99, pp.553–564, 2017 -
Large Eddy Simulations of blood dynamics in abdominal aortic aneurysms
C.Vergara, D.Le Van, M.Quadrio, L.Formaggia & M.Domanin
Medical Engineering & Physics 47 pp.38–46, 2017
Reynolds-number dependence of skin-friction drag reduction induced by spanwise forcing
D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 802 pp.553–582, 2016
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1512.08118 -
Ottimizzazione di forma e codici CFD RANS: una strategia adjoint-based per applicazioni automobilistiche
L.Palma, M.Quadrio, R.Pieri & R.Ponzini
Analisi e Calcolo 17 n.74, 2016 -
M.Quadrio, B.Frohnapfel & Y.Hasegawa
Does the choice of the forcing term affect flow statistics in DNS of turbulent channel flow?
European Journal of Mechanics B / Fluids 55 pp.286–293, 2016
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1509.04877 -
Effects of CT resolution and radiodensity threshold on the CFD evaluation of nasal airflow
M.Quadrio, C.Pipolo, S.Corti, F.Messina, C.Pesci, A.M.Saibene, S.Zampini, G.Felisati
Medical and Biological Eng. and Computing 54 pp.411–419, 2016
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent channel flow over porous walls
M.E.Rosti, L.Cortelezzi & M.Quadrio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 784 pp.396–442, 2015
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1410.7235 -
Modal and nonmodal stability analysis of electrohydrodynamic flow with and without cross-flow
M.Zhang, F.Martinelli, J.Wu, P.Schmid & M.Quadrio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 770 pp.319–349, 2015
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1504.00561 -
Design and experimental characterization of a NiTi-based, high-frequency, centripetal peristaltic actuator
E.Borlandelli, D.Scarselli, A.Nespoli, D.Rigamonti, P.Bettini, M.Morandini, E. Villa, G. Sala & M. Quadrio
Smart Materials and Structures 24 n.3, 035008, 2015
Money versus Time: Evaluation of Control Performance based on Convenience and Energy Consumption
Y.Hasegawa, B.Frohnapfel & M.Quadrio
Seisankenkyu 66 n.1, pp.39–42, 2014 -
Numerical simulation of turbulent duct flows with constant power input
Y.Hasegawa, M.Quadrio & B.Frohnapfel
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 750 pp.191–209, 2014
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1212.6052 -
Review of Computational Fluid Dynamics in the assessment of nasal air flow and Analysis of its Limitations
M.Quadrio, C.Pipolo, S.Corti, R.Lenzi, F.Messina, C.Pesci & G.Felisati
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Head & Neck 271 n.9, pp 2349-2354, 2014
Performance losses of drag-reducing spanwise forcing at moderate values of the Reynolds number
D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
Physics of Fluids 25 125109/17, 2013
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1212.6052 -
Prediction of turbulence control for arbitrary periodic spanwise wall movement
A.Cimarelli, B.Frohnapfel, Y.Hasegawa, E.De Angelis & M.Quadrio
Physics of Fluids 25 075102/11, 2013
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1306.4541 -
A perturbative model for predicting the high-Reynolds-number behaviour of the streamwise travelling waves technique in turbulent drag reduction
M.Belan & M.Quadrio
ZAMM 93 n.12, pp.944–962, 2013
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1301.5180 -
Turbulent channel flow simulations in convecting reference frames
M.Bernardini, S.Pirozzoli, M.Quadrio & P.Orlandi
Journal of Computational Physics 232 pp.1–6, 2013
Changes in turbulent dissipation in a channel flow with oscillating walls
P.Ricco, C. Ottonelli, Y.Hasegawa & M.Quadrio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 700 pp.77–104, 2012
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1202.3534 -
Money versus time: evaluation of flow control in terms of energy consumption and convenience
B.Frohnapfel, Y.Hasegawa & M.Quadrio
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 700 pp.406–418, 2012
Drag reduction in boundary layers by in-plane wall motion
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 369 1428–1442, 2011 -
Linear feedback control of transient energy growth and control performance limitations in subcritical plane Poiseuille flow
F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio, J.McKernan & J.F.Whidborne
Physics of Fluids 23 014103/9, 2011
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1101.2629 -
The laminar generalized Stokes layer and turbulent drag reduction
M.Quadrio & P.Ricco
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 667 pp.135–157, 2011
The DNS-based measurement of the mean impulse response of homogeneous isotropic turbulence
M.Carini & M.Quadrio
Physical Review E 82 066301-10, 2010
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1011.2534 -
Turbulent superfluid profiles in a counterflow channel
L.Galantucci, C.F.Barenghi, M.Sciacca, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
Journal of Low Temperature Physics 162 pp.354–360, 2011
ArXiv;physics.flu-dyn/1006.3183 -
Experimental assessment of turbulent drag reduction by traveling waves in a turbulent pipe flow
F.Auteri, A.Baron, M.Belan, G.Campanardi & M.Quadrio
Physics of Fluids 22 115103/14, 2010
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/1008.2584 -
Very fine structures of scalar mixing in wall-bounded turbulence
L. Galantucci & M.Quadrio
International Journal of Heat Fluid Flow 31 pp.499–506, 2010
Streamwise oscillations of spanwise velocity at the wall of a channel for drag reduction
C.Viotti, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
Physics of Fluids 21 115109/9, 2009
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/0911.0114 -
M.Quadrio, P.Ricco & C.Viotti
Streamwise-traveling waves of spanwise wall velocity in a turbulent channel flow
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 627 pp.161–178, 2009
Wall-oscillation conditions for drag reduction in turbulent channel flow
P.Ricco & M.Quadrio
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 29 pp.601–612, 2008
ArXiv:physics.flu-dyn/0802.0114 -
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent Taylor–Couette flow
D.Pirro’ & M.Quadrio
European Journal of Mechanics B / Fluids 27 pp.552–566, 2008
- Effects of streamwise-periodic wall transpiration on turbulent friction drag
M.Quadrio, J.M.Floryan & P.Luchini
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 576 pp.425–444, 2007
The phase-locked mean impulse response of a turbulent channel flow
P.Luchini, M.Quadrio & S.Zuccher
Physics of Fluids 18 121702/4, 2006
ArXiv:physics/0611195 -
A low-cost parallel implementation of direct numerical simulation of wall turbulence
P.Luchini & M.Quadrio
Journal of Computational Physics 211 n.2, pp.551–571, 2006
- Modification of Turbulent Flow using Distributed Suction
M.Quadrio, J.M. Floryan & P.Luchini
Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal 51 n.2, pp.61–69, 2005
- Critical assessment of turbulent drag reduction through spanwise wall oscillations
M.Quadrio & P.Ricco
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 521 pp.251–271, 2004
Integral space-time scales in turbulent wall flows
M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
Physics of Fluids 15 n.8, pp.2219–2227, 2003 -
Initial response of a turbulent channel flow to spanwise oscillations of the wall
M.Quadrio & P.Ricco
Journal of Turbulence 4 n.007, 2003
- Direct numerical simulation of the turbulent flow in a pipe with annular cross-section
M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
European Journal of Mechanics B / Fluids 21 pp. 413–427, 2002
- Numerical simulation of turbulent flow in a pipe oscillating around its axis
M.Quadrio & S.Sibilla
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 424 pp.217–241, 2000
- On the effectiveness and limitations of local criteria for the identification of a vortex
R.Cucitore, M.Quadrio & A.Baron
European Journal of Mechanics B / Fluids 18 n.2, pp. 261–282, 1999
Turbulent boundary layer over riblets: conditional analysis of ejection-like events
A.Baron & M.Quadrio
The International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 18 n.2, pp. 188–196, 1997 -
On the accuracy of wall-similarity methods in determining friction velocity over smooth and ribletted surfaces
A.Baron & M.Quadrio
Transaction of the ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering 119 pp.1009–1011, 1997
- Turbulent drag reduction by spanwise wall oscillation
A.Baron & M.Quadrio
Applied Scientific Research 55 pp. 311–326, 1996
- Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows under the Narrow Channel assumption
A.Baron & M.Quadrio
L’Aerotecnica Missili e Spazio 73 n.1, pp. 3–13, 1994
On the boundary layer/riblets interaction mechanism and the prediction of the turbulent drag reduction
A.Baron, M.Quadrio & L.Vigevano
The International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 14 n.4, pp. 324–332, 1993 -
Some preliminary results on the influence of riblets on the structure of the turbulent boundary layer
A.Baron & M.Quadrio
The International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 14 n.3, pp.223–230, 1993
- Riduzione della resistenza di attrito in correnti turbolente e altezza di protrusione di pareti scanalate
A.Baron, M.Quadrio & L.Vigevano
L’Aerotecnica Missili e Spazio 68 n.3–4, pp. 129–136, 1989