• Can we move beyond Engineered CFD Features? Leveraging Machine Learning for CFD Flow Field Classification
    R.Margheritti, O.Semeraro, M.Quadrio & G.Boracchi
    DTE & AICOMAS 2025 - 3rd IACM Digital Twins in Engineering Conference (DTE 2025) & 1st ECCOMAS Artificial Intelligence and Computational Methods in Applied Science (AICOMAS 2025)


  • A machine-learning-based zonal approach for turbulence modeling
    M.Castelletti & M.Quadrio
    1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference, Sept 16–20 2024, Aachen (DE)

  • Machine learning and CFD can work together for surgery planning in the human nose
    M.Quadrio, A.R.Favero & A.Schillaci
    1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference, Sept 16–20 2024, Aachen (DE)

  • Mean Impulse Response in a Turbulent Channel Flow
    F.Gattere, A.Codrignani, D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
    1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference, Sept 16–20 2024, Aachen (DE)

  • A large scale multipatient DNS study of nasal flow
    E.Gallorini & M.Quadrio
    1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference, Sept 16–20 2024, Aachen (DE)

  • The state of turbulence in a pipe flow with drag reduction
    E.Gallorini, D.Massaro, P.Schlatter & M.Quadrio
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 10–13 2024, Torino (I)

  • Sinusoidal riblets for turbulent drag reduction
    S.Cipelli, M.Quadrio, F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, P.Luchini & D.Gatti
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 10–13 2024, Torino (I)

  • On the optimal period of spanwise forcing for turbulent drag reduction
    F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, M.Castelletti & M.Quadrio
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 10–13 2024, Torino (I)

  • Spanwise wall oscillation in a damped channel flow for turbulent drag reduction
    M.Castelletti, E.Gallorini & M.Quadrio
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 10–13 2024, Torino (I)

  • Direct numerical simulations of a transonic airfoil with spanwise forcing for drag reduction
    N.Berizzi, D.Gatti, S.Pirozzoli, G.Soldati & M.Quadrio
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 10–13 2024, Torino (I)

  • Numerical study of turbulent skin-friction drag reduction via spanwise forcing at large values of Reynolds number
    D.Gatti, M.Quadrio, F.Gattere, A.Chiarini & S.Pirozzoli
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 10–13 2024, Torino (I)

  • Linear Impulse Response of a Turbulent Channel Flow
    F.Gattere, A.Codrignani, D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
    ICTAM2024, 26-30 August 2024, Daegu (Korea)

  • Surgery planning for the human nose: tackling anatomic variability with CFD and ML
    M.Quadrio, G.Boracchi, R.Margheritti, C.Pipolo & A.Schillaci
    ICTAM2024, 26-30 August 2024, Daegu (Korea)

  • The airflow in the human nose: simulations and experiments of clinical interest
    M.Atzori, G.G.Tesa, G.Dini Ciacci & M.Quadrio
    13th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP13), June 25–28 2024, Montreal (CAN)

  • Fluid mechanics of the human nose: where surgery meets flow control
    Invited plenary talk, IX ECCOMAS Congress, Jun 3-7 2024, Lisbon (P)

  • Simulation and analysis of the unsteady flow within nasal airways
    M.Ruetten, L.Krenkel & M.Quadrio
    IX ECCOMAS Congress, Jun 3-7 2024, Lisbon (P)

  • On the turbulent flow around rectangular cylinders: Effect of the aspect ratio
    J.Garicano-Mena, A.Chiarini & M.Quadrio
    IX ECCOMAS Congress, Jun 3-7 2024, Lisbon (P)


  • The OpenNOSE project: of interest for the lung modelling community
    Invited plenary talk, Lung Modelling Congress, Nov 22–23 2023, Parma (I)

  • How should nasal anatomies be compared before and after surgery? A CFD study
    E.Segalerba, M.Quadrio & J.Pralits
    EMI 2023 International Conference, Aug. 27-30 2023, Palermo (I)

  • Direct numerical simulation of skin-friction reduction using steady and periodic blowing through streamwise slits
    L.Xi, M.Quadrio & Y.Zhou
    The 6th Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control FSSIC, Aug. 27-31 2023, Busan (S.Korea)

  • Spanwise forcing for drag reduction: recent progresses at PoliMi, applications and understanding
    Invited talk, Center for Turbulence Control, Harbin Institute of Technology, Oct. 9 2023, Shenzhen (PRC)

  • Fluid dynamics of the human nose: Where flow control meets surgery
    Invited seminar, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Sept. 8 2023, Madrid (E)

  • Accurate and efficient direct numerical simulation of turbulent drag reduction by riblets
    D.Gatti, S.Cipelli, F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, P.Luchini & M.Quadrio
    XVIII Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 4-6 2023, Valencia (E)

  • Effect of control dicretization on streamwise travelling waves of spanwise wall velocity
    E.Gallorini & M.Quadrio
    XVIII Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 4-6 2023, Valencia (E)

  • Spanwise forcing for turbulent drag reduction: the optimal oscillation period
    M.Quadrio, A.Chiarini, A.Conforti & F.Gattere
    XVIII Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 4-6 2023, Valencia (E)

  • Turbulent drag reduction with streamwise travelling waves in the compressible regime
    F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, M.Zanolini, D.Gatti, M.Bernardini & M.Quadrio
    XVIII Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 4-6 2023, Valencia (E)

  • Fluid dynamics of the human nose: modeling and clinical perspectives
    Keynote lecture, CFDparschool, July 16-21 2023, L’Aquila (I)

  • Improvement of Tomo-PIV Analyses in the Nasal Cavities
    S.M.Tauwald, F.Erzinger, M.Quadrio, M.Rütten, C.Stemmer & L.Krenkel
    20th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, July 2023, Delft (NL)

  • On the comparison between topological and surface sensitivities for bio-fluid dynamics applications
    E.Segalerba, E.Gallorini, M.Quadrio & J.Pralits
    OpenFOAM Workshop 2023, July 11-16 2023, Genova (I)

  • Classification of nasal pathologies: Enhancing Machine Learning with Computational Fluid Dynamics
    M.Quadrio, A.Schillaci & G.Boracchi
    OpenFOAM Workshop 2023, July 11-16 2023, Genova (I)

  • Improved healing after corneal transplantation by optimization of patient positioning
    J.Pralits, V.Garcia Bennett, M.Quadrio & M.Alberti
    OpenFOAM Workshop 2023, July 11-16 2023, Genova (I)


  • High Spatial Resolution Tomo-PIV of the Trachea Focussing on the Physiological Breathing Cycle
    S.M.Tauwald, M.Quadrio, M.Rütten, C.Stemmer & L.Krenkel
    23rd TAB/DGLR Symposium , Nov. 9-10 2022, Berlin (D)
    New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XIV 154 pp 569–578

  • Scale-space budget equations for inhomogeneous (quasi-)periodic turbulent flows
    F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, E.Gallorini & M.Quadrio
    European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sept 13–16 2022, Athens (GR)

  • An almost subharmonic instability in the flow past rectangular cylinders
    A.Chiarini, M.Quadrio & F.Auteri
    European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sept 13–16 2022, Athens (GR)

  • On-off pumping for drag reduction in a turbulent channel flow
    G.Foggi Rota, A.Monti, M.E. Rosti & M.Quadrio
    European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sept 13–16 2022, Athens (GR)

  • A CFD-augmented machine-learning approach for the classification of nasal pathologies
    A.Schillaci, G.Boracchi, C.Pipolo & M.Quadrio
    European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sept 13–16 2022, Athens (GR)

  • Fluid Dynamics of the Human Nose: An overview of clinical perspectives enabled by CFD
    Invited Plenary Talk, European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sept 13–16 2022, Athens (GR)

  • Towards reliable and cost-effective DNS over riblets
    F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, G.M.Cavallazzi, A.Rossi, D.Gatti, P.Luchini & M.Quadrio
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 6–9 2022, Paris (F)

  • Coherent near-wall structures and drag reduction by spanwise forcing
    E.Gallorini, M.Quadrio & D.Gatti
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 6–9 2022, Paris (F)

  • Drag reduction on a transonic airfoil
    M.Quadrio, A.Chiarini, D.Gatti, J.Banchetti, A.Memmolo & S.Pirozzoli
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 6–9 2022, Paris (F)

  • On-off pumping for drag reduction in a turbulent channel flow
    G.Foggi Rota, A.Monti, M.E. Rosti & M.Quadrio
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 6–9 2022, Paris (F)

  • Turbulent drag reduction using spanwise forcing in compressible regime
    F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, M.Zanolini, D.Gatti, M.Bernardini & M.Quadrio
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 6–9 2022, Paris (F)

  • Comparison of nasal anatomies using computational fluid dynamics
    E.Segalerba, J.Pralits, M.Quadrio & J.Guerrero
    17th OpenFOAM Workshop, July 11-14 2022, Cambridge (UK)

  • Drag reduction on a transonic airfoil
    M.Quadrio, A.Chiarini, J.Banchetti, D.Gatti, A.Memmolo & S.Pirozzoli
    12th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP12) July 19-22 2022, Osaka (J)


  • The human nasal cavity: towards the optimal surgery with CFD and Machine Learning
    A.Schillaci, L.Butera, G.Romani, C.Pipolo, G.Felisati, M.Restelli, G.Boracchi & M.Quadrio
    XXV ICTAM, Aug. 23-28 2021, Milano (I)

  • On the instability of the flow around rectangular cylinders
    A.Chiarini, M.Quadrio & F.Auteri
    XXV ICTAM, Aug. 23-28 2021, Milano (I)

  • An optimal, fast, parallel solver for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations on colocated grids
    F.Auteri, A.Chiarini and M.Quadrio
    XXV ICTAM, Aug. 23-28 2021, Milano (I)

  • Global power budgets in turbulent Couette and Poiseuille flows
    A.Andreolli, M.Quadrio, B.Frohnapfel & D.Gatti
    GAMM Meeting 2020-2021, Mar. 15–19 2021, Kassel (D)

  • Global turbulent efficiency in plane Couette and Poiseuille flows
    A.Andreolli, M.Quadrio & D.Gatti
    iTi, Feb. 25-26 2021, Bertinoro (I)

  • Inferring Functional Properties from Fluid Dynamics Features
    A.Schillaci, M.Quadrio, C.Pipolo, M.Restelli, G.Boracchi
    25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Jan 10-15, 2021, Milano (I)


  • Dependence of wind farm performances on the terrain topography
    M.Zangrandi, F.Bernardoni, U.Ciri, M.Quadrio & S.Leonardi
    73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, , Nov. 22–24, 2020, Chicago (US)


  • Turbulent drag reduction for a wall with a bump
    J.Banchetti & M.Quadrio
    XVII Euromech Turbulence Conference 2019, , Sept. 3-6 2019, Turin (I)

  • Machine learning and fluid mechanics in biological applications
    Invited talk, International Workshop on Data-driven Modeling and Optimization in Fluid Mechanics, Sept. 16-17 2019, Karlsruhe (D)

  • A model for fluctuations of the spatial mean in a turbulent channel flow
    P.Luchini & M.Quadrio
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Mar. 26–29 2019, Bad Herrenalb (D)

  • Turbulent drag reduction for a wall with a bump
    M.Quadrio, J.Banchetti & P.Luchini
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Mar. 26–29 2019, Bad Herrenalb (D)

  • Skin-friction drag reduction described via the Anisotropic Generalised Kolmogorov Equations
    A.Chiarini, M.Quadrio & D.Gatti
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Mar. 26–29 2019, Bad Herrenalb (D)

  • Turbulent Dissipation in Drag Reduced Flows
    B.Frohnapfel, A.Cimarelli, Y.Hasegawa, M.Quadrio & D.Gatti
    GAMM Meeting 2019, February 18–22, Wien (A)


  • Production, transport and dissipation of turbulent stresses across scales and space
    D.Gatti, A.Chiarini, A.Cimarelli & M.Quadrio
    International Turbulence Initiative, Sept. 5-7 2018, Bertinoro (I)

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of nasal airflow with LES (Large Eddy Simulation) model
    L.Castellani, V.Covello, C.Pipolo, A.M.Saibene, G.Felisati & M.Quadrio
    19th Congress of the European Rhinological Society, April 22-26 2018, London (UK)

  • Integral energy budgets in turbulent channels with and without drag reduction
    D.Gatti, Y.Hasegawa, M.Quadrio, B.Frohnapfel & A.Cimarelli
    GAMM Meeting 2018, March 19–23 2018, Munich (D)

  • Space and scale fluxes of Reynolds shear stresses in turbulent channel flows
    A.Chiarini, B.Frohnapfel, M.Quadrio, A.Cimarelli, Y.Hasegawa, & D.Gatti
    GAMM Meeting 2018, March 19–23 2018, Munich (D)


  • Impact of Drag Reduction Control on Energy Box of a Fully Developed Turbulent Channel Flow
    Y.Hasegawa, D.Gatti, A.Cimarelli, B.Frohnapfel & M.Quadrio
    DFD17 Meeting of The American Physical Society, Nov 19–21, 2017, Denver (Tx, USA)

  • Skin-friction drag reduction, and how to assess it
    Invited plenary talk at the China-EU Aviation technology Cooperation Workshop, Nov 6–10, 2017, Wuzhen (PRC)

  • Scale energy fluxes in turbulent channels with drag reduction at constant power input
    D.Gatti, A.Remigi, A.Cimarelli, Y.Hasegawa, B.Frohnapfel & M.Quadrio
    XVI Euromech Turbulence Conference, Aug. 21-24 2017, Stockholm (S),

  • Simulation of the nasal airflow with Computational Fluiddynamics in Nasal Breathing Difficulties: the LES approach
    C.Pipolo, M.Quadrio, A.M.Saibene, C.Rosso, L.Castellani & G.Felisati
    21st IFOS World Congress, Jun 24-28 2017, Paris (F)

  • Numerical simulation of human nasal cavity flow with particles
    V.Covello, C.Pipolo, G.Felisati & M.Quadrio
    PATC Workshop, HPC Methods for Engineering Applications, Jun 19-21 June 2017, Milan (I)

  • Direct numerical simulation of drag reduction with uniform blowing over a two-dimensional roughness
    E.Mori, M.Quadrio & K.Fukagata
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Apr 3-6 2017, Monte Porzio Catone (I)

  • Mean impulse response in a turbulent channel flow
    A.Codrignani, D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Apr 3-6 2017, Monte Porzio Catone (I)

  • Drag reduction of a whole-aircraft configuration via spanwise forcing
    A.Gadda, J.Banchetti, G.Romanelli & M.Quadrio
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Apr 3-6 2017, Monte Porzio Catone (I)

  • Energy transfer rates in turbulent channels with drag reduction at constant power input
    D.Gatti, M.Quadrio, Y.Hasegawa, B.Frohnapfel & A.Cimarelli
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Apr 3-6 2017, Monte Porzio Catone (I)

  • DNS of turbulent channel flow with different types of spanwise forcing
    S.Pirozzoli, M.Bernardini, M.Quadrio & P.Ricco
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Apr 3-6 2017, Monte Porzio Catone (I)


  • Shape Optimization and CFD RANS Codes: an Adjoint-based Strategy for Drag Reduction in Automotive Applications
    L.Palma, R.Pieri, R.Ponzini & M.Quadrio
    International CAE Conference, Oct 17-18 2016, Parma (I)

  • Direct numerical simulation and theory of a wall-bounded flow with zero skin friction
    G.Coleman, S.Pirozzoli, M.Quadrio & P.Spalart
    11th ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Sept 21–23 2016, Palermo (I)

  • Direct Numerical simulation of drag reduction with uniform blowing over a rough wall
    E.Mori, M.Quadrio & K.Fukagata
    11th ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Sept 21–23 2016, Palermo (I)

  • Study of energetics in drag-reduced turbulent channels
    D.Gatti, B.Frohapfel, A.Cimarelli, M.Quadrio & Y.Hasegawa
    iTi Conference on Turbulence, Sept 7-9 2016, Bertinoro (I)

  • Stability of subcritical electrohydrodynamics in dielectric fluids
    M.Zhang, F.Martinelli, J.Wu, P.J.Schmid & M.Quadrio
    First International Workshop on Electro-Hydro-Dynamics and Tribo-Electrostatics, 1-2 Sept 2016, Poitiers (F)

  • Design and Experimental Testing of a NiTi-based, High Frequency, Centripetal Multiple Actuator
    E.Borlandelli, D.Scarselli, P.Bettini, G.Sala, M.Quadrio, A.Nespoli, D.Rigamonti, E.Villa
    7th Forum on New Materials (CIMTEC 2016), Jun 5-9 2016, Perugia (I)

  • Turbulent skin-friction drag reduction in the Constant Power Input framework
    D.Gatti, B.Frohnapfel, A.Cimarelli, M.Quadrio, Y.Hasegawa
    Oral presentation, GAMM, Mar 9, 2016, Braunschweig (D)


  • RANS/LES/DNS simulations of the airflow in nasal cavities
    G.Lamberti, F.Manara & M.Quadrio
    Annual meeting of the American Physical Society, Nov 22-24, 2015, Boston MA (USA)

  • Turbulent drag reduction by spanwise forcing
    Invited presentation, FOR 1779 Symposium on Active Drag Reduction, Nov 9-10 2015, Aachen (D)

  • Development of a Flexible Constrained Optimization Workflow for a Novel Adjoint CFD Solver
    M.Murari, L.Palma, R.Pieri, R.Ponzini, F.Pasqua & M.Quadrio
    International CAE Conference, Oct 19-20 2015, Pacengo sul Garda (I)

  • Reynolds number effect on turbulent drag reduction
    D.Gatti, M.Quadrio & B.Frohnapfel
    XV Euromech Turbulence Conference, Aug 25-28 2015, Delft (NL)

  • Turbulent drag reduction by travelling waves of spanwise forcing
    M.Quadrio & W.Xie
    XV Euromech Turbulence Conference, Aug 25-28 2015, Delft (NL)

  • Simulation of the nasal airflow with Computational Fluid Dynamics in Nasal Breathing Difficulties: definition of parameters
    C.Pipolo, L.Castellani, M.Quadrio, S.Raina, A.M.Saibene, F.Messina, G.Felisati
    102.o Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Otorinolaringologia, May 27-30, 2015, Roma (I)

  • Skin-friction drag reduction by spanwise forcing: the Reynolds-number effect
    D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
    ERCOFTAC Drag reduction and flow control meeting, Mar 22-26, 2015, Cambridge (UK)


  • On the forcing term in the DNS of a turbulent channel flow
    M. Quadrio, B. Frohnapfel & Y. Hasegawa
    Conference on Vortical Structures and Wall Turbulence, for the 70th of Paolo Orlandi, Rome (I), Sept 19-20 2014, Rome (I)

  • Dielectric Electroactive Polymers for drag-reducing wall oscillations in low-Reynolds turbulent channel flows
    D.Gatti, A.Güttler, M.Quadrio, H.F.Schlaak, C.Tropea and B.Frohnapfel
    Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference X, Sep 14-18 2014, Copenhagen (DK)


  • On the effects of porous wall on transitional and turbulent channel flows
    M.Quadrio, M.Rosti, D.Scarselli & L.Cortelezzi
    XIV Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 1-4 2013, Lyon (F)

  • Wall turbulence control by spanwise traveling waves
    W.Xie & M.Quadrio
    XIV Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 1-4 2013, Lyon (F)

  • Effectiveness of spanwise forcing for turbulent drag reduction at higher Re
    D.Gatti, M.Quadrio, C.Tropea & B. Frohnapfel
    XIV Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 1-4 2013, Lyon (F)

  • Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Wall Flows at Constant Power Input
    Y.Hasegawa, B.Frohnapfel & M.Quadrio
    XIV Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 1-4 2013, Lyon (F)

  • Turbulent skin-friction drag reduction by spanwise wall oscillation with generic temporal waveform
    A.Cimarelli, E.De Angelis, B.Frohnapfel, Y.Hasegawa & M.Quadrio
    Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena 8, Aug. 28-30 2013, Poitiers (F)

  • Modern View(s) of Wall Turbulence: What changed in the last 50 years
    M. Quadrio
    Invited keynote lecture, 31st UIT Heat Transfer Conference, Jun 25-27 2013, Moltrasio (I)

  • Fluidodinamica nasale: risultati preliminari
    F.Messina, C.Pipolo, R.Lenzi, A.Maccari, M.Quadrio & G.Felisati
    100.o Congresso Nazionale della Societ`a Italiana di Otorinolaringologia e Chirurgia Cervico-Facciale, May 28-31 2013, Roma (I)


  • Comparing drag reduction techniques in the “Money-vs-Time” framework
    M.Quadrio, B.Frohnapfel & Y.Hasegawa
    ERCOFTAC Drag reduction and flow control workshop, Dec 10-12 2012, Toulouse (F)

  • Near-wall enstrophy generation in a drag-reduced turbulent channel flow with spanwise wall oscillations
    P. Ricco, C. Ottonelli, Y. Hasegawa & M. Quadrio
    ERCOFTAC Drag reduction and flow control workshop, Dec 10-12 2012, Toulouse (F)

  • Fluid dynamics of the nasal cavity: how to, what for
    HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for industrial applications, Nov 26-28 2012, CINECA Casalecchio di Reno (I),

  • Turbulent drag reduction by spanwise-traveling waves of spanwise wall velocity
    W.Xie & M.Quadrio
    Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 9,Sep 9-13, 2012, Roma (I)

  • What happens to turbulent drag reduction at higher Re?
    D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
    Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 9,Sep 9-13, 2012, Roma (I)

  • The drag-reduction oscillating-wall problem: new insight after 20 years
    P.Ricco, C.Ottonelli, Y.Hasegawa & M.Quadrio
    Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 9,Sep 9-13, 2012, Roma (I)

  • Turbulence Drag Reduction by In-Plane Wall Motion
    W.Xie & M.Quadrio
    European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference, Jul 10-12 2012, London (UK)

  • Linear stability of a plane Poiseuille flow over a Generalized Stokes Layer
    HPC-Europa2 TAM, Jun 25-26 2012, Amsterdam (NL)

  • Reevaluation of control performance for turbulent skin-friction drag reduction in terms of energy saving and convenience
    Y.Hasegawa, B.Frohnapfel & M.Quadrio
    ETMM9, Jun 6-8 2012, Thessaloniki (GR)

  • Assessment of Flow Control Techniques in Terms of Time and Energy Savings
    B.Frohnapfel, Y.Hasegawa, & M.Quadrio
    GAMM, Mar 26-30 2012, Darmstadt (D)

  • Turbulent drag reduction at moderate Reynolds numbers via spanwise velocity waves
    D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
    In Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 12 n.1, pp. 563-564. GAMM, Mar 26-30 2012, Darmstadt (D)

  • Non-sinusoidal wall oscillation for drag reduction
    A.Cimarelli, B.Frohnapfel Y.Hasegawa, E. De Angelis & M.Quadrio
    In Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 12 n.1, pp. 565-566. GAMM, Mar 26-30 2012, Darmstadt (D)


  • On the Evaluation of Control Performance in Drag Reducing Flows
    Y.Hasegawa, B.Frohnapfel & M.Quadrio
    64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov 20-22 2011, Baltimore (USA)

  • Linear stability of Poiseuille flow over a generalized Stokes layer
    M.Quadrio, F.Martinelli & P.J.Schmid
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 318
    Euromech Turbulence Conference XIII, Sep 12-15 2011, Warsaw (PL)

  • Stability of planar shear flow in presence of electroconvection
    F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio & P.J.Schmid
    Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena 7, Jul 28-31 2011, Ottawa (CAN)


  • Spanwise generalized Stokes layer and turbulent drag reduction
    M.Quadrio & P.Ricco
    Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference - 8, Sep 13-16 2010, Bad Reichenhall (D)

  • Turbulent superfluid profiles in a counterflow channel
    L.Galantucci, C.F.Barenghi, M.Sciacca, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
    Satellite Workshop on Quantum Turbulence of the International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2010, Aug 7 2010, Grenoble (F)

  • Turbulent superfluid profiles in a counterflow channel
    L.Galantucci, C.F.Barenghi, M.Sciacca, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
    International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2010, Aug 3 2010, Grenoble (F)

  • Drag-reducing characteristics of the generalized spanwise Stokes Layer: experiments and numerical simulations
    Invited presentation, International Specialist Workshop on Open-Loop versus Closed-Loop Control of Wall Turbulence, Mar 17-19 2010, Tokyo (JP)


  • Superfluid vortices in a wall-bounded flow
    L.Galantucci, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
    XIX AIMETA Conference, Sep 14-17 2009, Ancona (I)

  • Experimental assessment of turbulent drag reduction by wall traveling waves
    M.Quadrio, F.Auteri, A.Baron, M.Belan, A.Bertolucci
    XII EUROMECH Turbulence Conference, Sep 7-10 2009, Marburg (D)

  • Turbulent drag reduction by feedback: a Wiener-filtering approach
    F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio, P.Luchini
    XII EUROMECH Turbulence Conference, Sep 7-10 2009, Marburg (D)

  • Wiener-Hopf design of feedback compensators for drag reduction in turbulent channels
    F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
    AIDAA Conference, Jun 29 - Jul 2 2009, Milano (I)

  • The mean impulse response of homogeneous isotropic turbulence: the first (DNS-based) measurement
    M.Carini & M.Quadrio
    AIDAA Conference, Jun 29 - Jul 2 2009, Milano (I)

  • Streamwise-traveling waves of spanwise wall velocity in a pipe flow: experimental measure of turbulent drag reduction
    F.Auteri, A.Baron, M.Belan, A.Bertolucci, G.Gibertini & M.Quadrio
    AIDAA Conference, Jun 29 - Jul 2 2009, Milano (I)

  • Feedback control of transient energy growth in subcritical plane Poiseuille flow
    F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio, J.McKernan, J.Whidborne
    IUTAM Symposium on laminar-turbulent transition, Jun 23-26 2009, Stockholm (S)


  • The response of wall turbulence to streamwise-traveling waves of spanwise wall velocity
    ITI Conference on Turbulence III, Oct 12-15 2008, Bertinoro (I)

  • Drag reduction effects in a turbulent channel flow induced by spanwise wall oscillations
    P.Ricco & M.Quadrio
    Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference - 7, Sep 14-18 2008, Manchester (UK)

  • Modification of turbulent friction drag by streamwise-traveling waves of spanwise velocity
    P.Ricco, M.Quadrio & C. Viotti
    European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting – EDRFCM 2008, Sep 8-11 2008, Ostritz - St. Marienthal (D)


  • Active control and drag reduction of turbulent wall flows
    F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
    CAPI Conference, Oct 15-16 2007, Milano (I)

  • DNS of turbulent pipe flow: how far can we reach today?
    M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
    II International Workshop on CICLoPE, Oct 13-15 2007, Bertinoro (I)

  • Reynolds-number dependence of the feedback control of turbulent channel flow
    F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
    AIDAA Conference, Sep 17-21 2007, Forli’ (I)
    Best Paper Award for the Fluid Dynamics Sessions

  • Skin-friction drag reduction via steady streamwise oscillations of spanwise velocity
    M.Quadrio, C.Viotti & P.Luchini
    XI EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Jun 25-28 2007, Porto (P)
    Advances in Turbulence XI, J.M.L.M. Palma and A. Silva Lopez, Springer, 2007. ISBN 9783540726036, 2007, p. 659-661


  • Endoscopic PIV in a helical pipe coil
    F.Auteri, M.Belan, S.Ceccon, G.Gibertini & M.Quadrio
    XIV AIVELA Conference, Sep 6-7 2006, Rome (I)

  • Wiener filters in active-feedback drag reduction of turbulent channel flow
    P.Luchini, T.Bewley & M.Quadrio
    Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference - 6, Jun 26-30 2006, Stockholm (S)

  • Phase-locked linear response of a turbulent channel flow
    P.Luchini, M.Quadrio & S.Zuccher
    ERCOFTAC European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Apr 10-13 2006, Ischia (I)


  • An optimal feedback controller for the reduction of turbulent energy in 3D plane-duct flow
    P.Luchini, T.Bewley & M.Quadrio
    APS Meeting, Nov 20-22 2005, Chicago, IL (US)

  • Wall turbulence and roughness
    I International Workshop on CICLoPE, Sep 29-30, 2005, Bertinoro (I)


  • Reduction of turbulent friction by spanwise wall oscillations
    P.Ricco & M.Quadrio
    XVII AIDAA Meeting, Sep 15-19 2003, pp. 1179–1186, Roma (I)

  • Four-dimensional space-time correlations in wall turbulence
    M.Quadrio & S.Giussani
    XVII AIDAA Meeting, Sep 15-19 2003, pp. 1179–1186, Roma (I)

  • Control of Turbulent Channel Flow using Distributed Suction
    M.Quadrio, J.M.Floryan & P.Luchini
    5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, Aug 24-28 2003, Toulouse (FR)

  • Turbulent Drag Reduction over an Oscillating Wall
    P.Ricco & M.Quadrio
    5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, Aug 24-28 2003, Toulouse (FR)

  • A Parallel Algorithm for the Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flow
    M.Quadrio, P.Luchini & J.M.Floryan
    XI Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, May 28-30 2003, Vancouver, B.C. (CAN)

  • Modification of Turbulent Flow using Distributed Suction
    M.Quadrio, J.M. Floryan & P.Luchini
    50th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, Apr 28-30 2003, Montr'eal, Qu'ebec, (CAN)


  • Adjoint DNS of turbulent channel flow
    P.Luchini & M.Quadrio
    ASME Fluids Engineering Division Forum on {\em Flow Control}, Jul 14-18 2002, Montr'eal, Qu'eb'ec (CAN)

  • The linear response of a turbulent channel flow
    M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
    IX EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, July 2-5 2002, Southampton (UK)


  • A 4th-order-accurate, parallel numerical method for the direct simulation of turbulence in rectangular and cylindrical geometries
    M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
    Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Sep 26-29 2001, Catania (I)

  • Convection velocity in turbulent flows
    M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
    XVI Congresso Nazionale AIDAA, Sep 24-28 2001, Palermo (I)


  • Direct simulation of turbulent flow in a pipe with annular cross-section
    M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
    EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Conference, Nov 19-23 2000, Eindhoven (NL)

  • Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow in an annular pipe
    M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
    Minisyimposium on Transizione e turbolenza, Proc. V Congresso Nazionale SIMAI pp. 626-629, Jun 2000, Ischia Porto (I)


  • Drag reduction in turbulent pipe flow with alternate rotation around the axis
    III ERCOFTAC Workshop on Vortex Dynamics in Rotating Systems, Jan 1997, Aussois (F)


  • Direct numerical simulation of active control of turbulence
    Invited talk at the EUROMECH Colloquium 332 on Drag Reduction and IX European Drag Reduction Working Meeting, Apr 19-21 1995, Ravello (I)

  • A numerical study of turbulent drag reduction by spanwise wall oscillation
    A.Baron & M.Quadrio
    Proc. XIII Congresso Nazionale AIDAA, 1995, pp. 587-596 Roma (I)


  • A cheap DNS tool for turbulence models testing
    A.Baron & M.Quadrio
    LXXIV AGARD FDP Meeting and Symposium on Application of direct and Large Eddy Simulation to transition and turbulence, AGARD-CP-551, May 1994, Chania (GR)


  • Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows under the Narrow Channel assumption
    A.Baron & M.Quadrio
    Proc. XII Congresso AIDAA, Jul 20-23 1993, pp.501-516, Como (I)


  • Riduzione della resistenza di attrito in correnti turbolente e altezza di protrusione di correnti scanalate
    A.Baron, M.Quadrio & L.Vigevano
    Proc. X Congresso AIDAA, Oct 16-20 1989, Pisa (I)