- Can we move beyond Engineered CFD Features? Leveraging Machine Learning for CFD Flow Field Classification
R.Margheritti, O.Semeraro, M.Quadrio & G.Boracchi
DTE & AICOMAS 2025 - 3rd IACM Digital Twins in Engineering Conference (DTE 2025) & 1st ECCOMAS Artificial Intelligence and Computational Methods in Applied Science (AICOMAS 2025)
A machine-learning-based zonal approach for turbulence modeling
M.Castelletti & M.Quadrio
1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference, Sept 16–20 2024, Aachen (DE) -
Machine learning and CFD can work together for surgery planning in the human nose
M.Quadrio, A.R.Favero & A.Schillaci
1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference, Sept 16–20 2024, Aachen (DE) -
Mean Impulse Response in a Turbulent Channel Flow
F.Gattere, A.Codrignani, D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference, Sept 16–20 2024, Aachen (DE) -
A large scale multipatient DNS study of nasal flow
E.Gallorini & M.Quadrio
1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference, Sept 16–20 2024, Aachen (DE) -
The state of turbulence in a pipe flow with drag reduction
E.Gallorini, D.Massaro, P.Schlatter & M.Quadrio
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 10–13 2024, Torino (I) -
Sinusoidal riblets for turbulent drag reduction
S.Cipelli, M.Quadrio, F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, P.Luchini & D.Gatti
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 10–13 2024, Torino (I) -
On the optimal period of spanwise forcing for turbulent drag reduction
F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, M.Castelletti & M.Quadrio
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 10–13 2024, Torino (I) -
Spanwise wall oscillation in a damped channel flow for turbulent drag reduction
M.Castelletti, E.Gallorini & M.Quadrio
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 10–13 2024, Torino (I) -
Direct numerical simulations of a transonic airfoil with spanwise forcing for drag reduction
N.Berizzi, D.Gatti, S.Pirozzoli, G.Soldati & M.Quadrio
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 10–13 2024, Torino (I) -
Numerical study of turbulent skin-friction drag reduction via spanwise forcing at large values of Reynolds number
D.Gatti, M.Quadrio, F.Gattere, A.Chiarini & S.Pirozzoli
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 10–13 2024, Torino (I) -
Linear Impulse Response of a Turbulent Channel Flow
F.Gattere, A.Codrignani, D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
ICTAM2024, 26-30 August 2024, Daegu (Korea) -
Surgery planning for the human nose: tackling anatomic variability with CFD and ML
M.Quadrio, G.Boracchi, R.Margheritti, C.Pipolo & A.Schillaci
ICTAM2024, 26-30 August 2024, Daegu (Korea) -
The airflow in the human nose: simulations and experiments of clinical interest
M.Atzori, G.G.Tesa, G.Dini Ciacci & M.Quadrio
13th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP13), June 25–28 2024, Montreal (CAN) -
Fluid mechanics of the human nose: where surgery meets flow control
Invited plenary talk, IX ECCOMAS Congress, Jun 3-7 2024, Lisbon (P) -
Simulation and analysis of the unsteady flow within nasal airways
M.Ruetten, L.Krenkel & M.Quadrio
IX ECCOMAS Congress, Jun 3-7 2024, Lisbon (P) -
On the turbulent flow around rectangular cylinders: Effect of the aspect ratio
J.Garicano-Mena, A.Chiarini & M.Quadrio
IX ECCOMAS Congress, Jun 3-7 2024, Lisbon (P)
The OpenNOSE project: of interest for the lung modelling community
Invited plenary talk, Lung Modelling Congress, Nov 22–23 2023, Parma (I) -
How should nasal anatomies be compared before and after surgery? A CFD study
E.Segalerba, M.Quadrio & J.Pralits
EMI 2023 International Conference, Aug. 27-30 2023, Palermo (I) -
Direct numerical simulation of skin-friction reduction using steady and periodic blowing through streamwise slits
L.Xi, M.Quadrio & Y.Zhou
The 6th Symposium on Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control FSSIC, Aug. 27-31 2023, Busan (S.Korea) -
Spanwise forcing for drag reduction: recent progresses at PoliMi, applications and understanding
Invited talk, Center for Turbulence Control, Harbin Institute of Technology, Oct. 9 2023, Shenzhen (PRC) -
Fluid dynamics of the human nose: Where flow control meets surgery
Invited seminar, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Sept. 8 2023, Madrid (E) -
Accurate and efficient direct numerical simulation of turbulent drag reduction by riblets
D.Gatti, S.Cipelli, F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, P.Luchini & M.Quadrio
XVIII Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 4-6 2023, Valencia (E) -
Effect of control dicretization on streamwise travelling waves of spanwise wall velocity
E.Gallorini & M.Quadrio
XVIII Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 4-6 2023, Valencia (E) -
Spanwise forcing for turbulent drag reduction: the optimal oscillation period
M.Quadrio, A.Chiarini, A.Conforti & F.Gattere
XVIII Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 4-6 2023, Valencia (E) -
Turbulent drag reduction with streamwise travelling waves in the compressible regime
F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, M.Zanolini, D.Gatti, M.Bernardini & M.Quadrio
XVIII Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 4-6 2023, Valencia (E) -
Fluid dynamics of the human nose: modeling and clinical perspectives
Keynote lecture, CFDparschool, July 16-21 2023, L’Aquila (I) -
Improvement of Tomo-PIV Analyses in the Nasal Cavities
S.M.Tauwald, F.Erzinger, M.Quadrio, M.Rütten, C.Stemmer & L.Krenkel
20th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, July 2023, Delft (NL) -
On the comparison between topological and surface sensitivities for bio-fluid dynamics applications
E.Segalerba, E.Gallorini, M.Quadrio & J.Pralits
OpenFOAM Workshop 2023, July 11-16 2023, Genova (I) -
Classification of nasal pathologies: Enhancing Machine Learning with Computational Fluid Dynamics
M.Quadrio, A.Schillaci & G.Boracchi
OpenFOAM Workshop 2023, July 11-16 2023, Genova (I) -
Improved healing after corneal transplantation by optimization of patient positioning
J.Pralits, V.Garcia Bennett, M.Quadrio & M.Alberti
OpenFOAM Workshop 2023, July 11-16 2023, Genova (I)
High Spatial Resolution Tomo-PIV of the Trachea Focussing on the Physiological Breathing Cycle
S.M.Tauwald, M.Quadrio, M.Rütten, C.Stemmer & L.Krenkel
23rd TAB/DGLR Symposium , Nov. 9-10 2022, Berlin (D)
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XIV 154 pp 569–578 -
Scale-space budget equations for inhomogeneous (quasi-)periodic turbulent flows
F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, E.Gallorini & M.Quadrio
European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sept 13–16 2022, Athens (GR) -
An almost subharmonic instability in the flow past rectangular cylinders
A.Chiarini, M.Quadrio & F.Auteri
European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sept 13–16 2022, Athens (GR) -
On-off pumping for drag reduction in a turbulent channel flow
G.Foggi Rota, A.Monti, M.E. Rosti & M.Quadrio
European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sept 13–16 2022, Athens (GR) -
A CFD-augmented machine-learning approach for the classification of nasal pathologies
A.Schillaci, G.Boracchi, C.Pipolo & M.Quadrio
European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sept 13–16 2022, Athens (GR) -
Fluid Dynamics of the Human Nose: An overview of clinical perspectives enabled by CFD
Invited Plenary Talk, European Fluid Mechanics Conference, Sept 13–16 2022, Athens (GR) -
Towards reliable and cost-effective DNS over riblets
F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, G.M.Cavallazzi, A.Rossi, D.Gatti, P.Luchini & M.Quadrio
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 6–9 2022, Paris (F) -
Coherent near-wall structures and drag reduction by spanwise forcing
E.Gallorini, M.Quadrio & D.Gatti
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 6–9 2022, Paris (F) -
Drag reduction on a transonic airfoil
M.Quadrio, A.Chiarini, D.Gatti, J.Banchetti, A.Memmolo & S.Pirozzoli
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 6–9 2022, Paris (F) -
On-off pumping for drag reduction in a turbulent channel flow
G.Foggi Rota, A.Monti, M.E. Rosti & M.Quadrio
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 6–9 2022, Paris (F) -
Turbulent drag reduction using spanwise forcing in compressible regime
F.Gattere, A.Chiarini, M.Zanolini, D.Gatti, M.Bernardini & M.Quadrio
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Sept 6–9 2022, Paris (F) -
Comparison of nasal anatomies using computational fluid dynamics
E.Segalerba, J.Pralits, M.Quadrio & J.Guerrero
17th OpenFOAM Workshop, July 11-14 2022, Cambridge (UK) -
Drag reduction on a transonic airfoil
M.Quadrio, A.Chiarini, J.Banchetti, D.Gatti, A.Memmolo & S.Pirozzoli
12th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP12) July 19-22 2022, Osaka (J)
The human nasal cavity: towards the optimal surgery with CFD and Machine Learning
A.Schillaci, L.Butera, G.Romani, C.Pipolo, G.Felisati, M.Restelli, G.Boracchi & M.Quadrio
XXV ICTAM, Aug. 23-28 2021, Milano (I) -
On the instability of the flow around rectangular cylinders
A.Chiarini, M.Quadrio & F.Auteri
XXV ICTAM, Aug. 23-28 2021, Milano (I) -
An optimal, fast, parallel solver for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations on colocated grids
F.Auteri, A.Chiarini and M.Quadrio
XXV ICTAM, Aug. 23-28 2021, Milano (I) -
Global power budgets in turbulent Couette and Poiseuille flows
A.Andreolli, M.Quadrio, B.Frohnapfel & D.Gatti
GAMM Meeting 2020-2021, Mar. 15–19 2021, Kassel (D) -
Global turbulent efficiency in plane Couette and Poiseuille flows
A.Andreolli, M.Quadrio & D.Gatti
iTi, Feb. 25-26 2021, Bertinoro (I) -
Inferring Functional Properties from Fluid Dynamics Features
A.Schillaci, M.Quadrio, C.Pipolo, M.Restelli, G.Boracchi
25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Jan 10-15, 2021, Milano (I)
- Dependence of wind farm performances on the terrain topography
M.Zangrandi, F.Bernardoni, U.Ciri, M.Quadrio & S.Leonardi
73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, , Nov. 22–24, 2020, Chicago (US)
Turbulent drag reduction for a wall with a bump
J.Banchetti & M.Quadrio
XVII Euromech Turbulence Conference 2019, , Sept. 3-6 2019, Turin (I) -
Machine learning and fluid mechanics in biological applications
Invited talk, International Workshop on Data-driven Modeling and Optimization in Fluid Mechanics, Sept. 16-17 2019, Karlsruhe (D) -
A model for fluctuations of the spatial mean in a turbulent channel flow
P.Luchini & M.Quadrio
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Mar. 26–29 2019, Bad Herrenalb (D) -
Turbulent drag reduction for a wall with a bump
M.Quadrio, J.Banchetti & P.Luchini
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Mar. 26–29 2019, Bad Herrenalb (D) -
Skin-friction drag reduction described via the Anisotropic Generalised Kolmogorov Equations
A.Chiarini, M.Quadrio & D.Gatti
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Mar. 26–29 2019, Bad Herrenalb (D) -
Turbulent Dissipation in Drag Reduced Flows
B.Frohnapfel, A.Cimarelli, Y.Hasegawa, M.Quadrio & D.Gatti
GAMM Meeting 2019, February 18–22, Wien (A)
Production, transport and dissipation of turbulent stresses across scales and space
D.Gatti, A.Chiarini, A.Cimarelli & M.Quadrio
International Turbulence Initiative, Sept. 5-7 2018, Bertinoro (I) -
Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of nasal airflow with LES (Large Eddy Simulation) model
L.Castellani, V.Covello, C.Pipolo, A.M.Saibene, G.Felisati & M.Quadrio
19th Congress of the European Rhinological Society, April 22-26 2018, London (UK) -
Integral energy budgets in turbulent channels with and without drag reduction
D.Gatti, Y.Hasegawa, M.Quadrio, B.Frohnapfel & A.Cimarelli
GAMM Meeting 2018, March 19–23 2018, Munich (D) -
Space and scale fluxes of Reynolds shear stresses in turbulent channel flows
A.Chiarini, B.Frohnapfel, M.Quadrio, A.Cimarelli, Y.Hasegawa, & D.Gatti
GAMM Meeting 2018, March 19–23 2018, Munich (D)
Impact of Drag Reduction Control on Energy Box of a Fully Developed Turbulent Channel Flow
Y.Hasegawa, D.Gatti, A.Cimarelli, B.Frohnapfel & M.Quadrio
DFD17 Meeting of The American Physical Society, Nov 19–21, 2017, Denver (Tx, USA) -
Skin-friction drag reduction, and how to assess it
Invited plenary talk at the China-EU Aviation technology Cooperation Workshop, Nov 6–10, 2017, Wuzhen (PRC) -
Scale energy fluxes in turbulent channels with drag reduction at constant power input
D.Gatti, A.Remigi, A.Cimarelli, Y.Hasegawa, B.Frohnapfel & M.Quadrio
XVI Euromech Turbulence Conference, Aug. 21-24 2017, Stockholm (S), -
Simulation of the nasal airflow with Computational Fluiddynamics in Nasal Breathing Difficulties: the LES approach
C.Pipolo, M.Quadrio, A.M.Saibene, C.Rosso, L.Castellani & G.Felisati
21st IFOS World Congress, Jun 24-28 2017, Paris (F) -
Numerical simulation of human nasal cavity flow with particles
V.Covello, C.Pipolo, G.Felisati & M.Quadrio
PATC Workshop, HPC Methods for Engineering Applications, Jun 19-21 June 2017, Milan (I) -
Direct numerical simulation of drag reduction with uniform blowing over a two-dimensional roughness
E.Mori, M.Quadrio & K.Fukagata
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Apr 3-6 2017, Monte Porzio Catone (I) -
Mean impulse response in a turbulent channel flow
A.Codrignani, D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Apr 3-6 2017, Monte Porzio Catone (I) -
Drag reduction of a whole-aircraft configuration via spanwise forcing
A.Gadda, J.Banchetti, G.Romanelli & M.Quadrio
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Apr 3-6 2017, Monte Porzio Catone (I) -
Energy transfer rates in turbulent channels with drag reduction at constant power input
D.Gatti, M.Quadrio, Y.Hasegawa, B.Frohnapfel & A.Cimarelli
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Apr 3-6 2017, Monte Porzio Catone (I) -
DNS of turbulent channel flow with different types of spanwise forcing
S.Pirozzoli, M.Bernardini, M.Quadrio & P.Ricco
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Apr 3-6 2017, Monte Porzio Catone (I)
Shape Optimization and CFD RANS Codes: an Adjoint-based Strategy for Drag Reduction in Automotive Applications
L.Palma, R.Pieri, R.Ponzini & M.Quadrio
International CAE Conference, Oct 17-18 2016, Parma (I) -
Direct numerical simulation and theory of a wall-bounded flow with zero skin friction
G.Coleman, S.Pirozzoli, M.Quadrio & P.Spalart
11th ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Sept 21–23 2016, Palermo (I) -
Direct Numerical simulation of drag reduction with uniform blowing over a rough wall
E.Mori, M.Quadrio & K.Fukagata
11th ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Sept 21–23 2016, Palermo (I) -
Study of energetics in drag-reduced turbulent channels
D.Gatti, B.Frohapfel, A.Cimarelli, M.Quadrio & Y.Hasegawa
iTi Conference on Turbulence, Sept 7-9 2016, Bertinoro (I) -
Stability of subcritical electrohydrodynamics in dielectric fluids
M.Zhang, F.Martinelli, J.Wu, P.J.Schmid & M.Quadrio
First International Workshop on Electro-Hydro-Dynamics and Tribo-Electrostatics, 1-2 Sept 2016, Poitiers (F) -
Design and Experimental Testing of a NiTi-based, High Frequency, Centripetal Multiple Actuator
E.Borlandelli, D.Scarselli, P.Bettini, G.Sala, M.Quadrio, A.Nespoli, D.Rigamonti, E.Villa
7th Forum on New Materials (CIMTEC 2016), Jun 5-9 2016, Perugia (I) -
Turbulent skin-friction drag reduction in the Constant Power Input framework
D.Gatti, B.Frohnapfel, A.Cimarelli, M.Quadrio, Y.Hasegawa
Oral presentation, GAMM, Mar 9, 2016, Braunschweig (D)
RANS/LES/DNS simulations of the airflow in nasal cavities
G.Lamberti, F.Manara & M.Quadrio
Annual meeting of the American Physical Society, Nov 22-24, 2015, Boston MA (USA) -
Turbulent drag reduction by spanwise forcing
Invited presentation, FOR 1779 Symposium on Active Drag Reduction, Nov 9-10 2015, Aachen (D) -
Development of a Flexible Constrained Optimization Workflow for a Novel Adjoint CFD Solver
M.Murari, L.Palma, R.Pieri, R.Ponzini, F.Pasqua & M.Quadrio
International CAE Conference, Oct 19-20 2015, Pacengo sul Garda (I) -
Reynolds number effect on turbulent drag reduction
D.Gatti, M.Quadrio & B.Frohnapfel
XV Euromech Turbulence Conference, Aug 25-28 2015, Delft (NL) -
Turbulent drag reduction by travelling waves of spanwise forcing
M.Quadrio & W.Xie
XV Euromech Turbulence Conference, Aug 25-28 2015, Delft (NL) -
Simulation of the nasal airflow with Computational Fluid Dynamics in Nasal Breathing Difficulties: definition of parameters
C.Pipolo, L.Castellani, M.Quadrio, S.Raina, A.M.Saibene, F.Messina, G.Felisati
102.o Congresso Nazionale della Societa’ Italiana di Otorinolaringologia, May 27-30, 2015, Roma (I) -
Skin-friction drag reduction by spanwise forcing: the Reynolds-number effect
D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
ERCOFTAC Drag reduction and flow control meeting, Mar 22-26, 2015, Cambridge (UK)
On the forcing term in the DNS of a turbulent channel flow
M. Quadrio, B. Frohnapfel & Y. Hasegawa
Conference on Vortical Structures and Wall Turbulence, for the 70th of Paolo Orlandi, Rome (I), Sept 19-20 2014, Rome (I) -
Dielectric Electroactive Polymers for drag-reducing wall oscillations in low-Reynolds turbulent channel flows
D.Gatti, A.Güttler, M.Quadrio, H.F.Schlaak, C.Tropea and B.Frohnapfel
Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference X, Sep 14-18 2014, Copenhagen (DK)
On the effects of porous wall on transitional and turbulent channel flows
M.Quadrio, M.Rosti, D.Scarselli & L.Cortelezzi
XIV Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 1-4 2013, Lyon (F) -
Wall turbulence control by spanwise traveling waves
W.Xie & M.Quadrio
XIV Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 1-4 2013, Lyon (F) -
Effectiveness of spanwise forcing for turbulent drag reduction at higher Re
D.Gatti, M.Quadrio, C.Tropea & B. Frohnapfel
XIV Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 1-4 2013, Lyon (F) -
Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Wall Flows at Constant Power Input
Y.Hasegawa, B.Frohnapfel & M.Quadrio
XIV Euromech Turbulence Conference, Sept. 1-4 2013, Lyon (F) -
Turbulent skin-friction drag reduction by spanwise wall oscillation with generic temporal waveform
A.Cimarelli, E.De Angelis, B.Frohnapfel, Y.Hasegawa & M.Quadrio
Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena 8, Aug. 28-30 2013, Poitiers (F) -
Modern View(s) of Wall Turbulence: What changed in the last 50 years
M. Quadrio
Invited keynote lecture, 31st UIT Heat Transfer Conference, Jun 25-27 2013, Moltrasio (I) -
Fluidodinamica nasale: risultati preliminari
F.Messina, C.Pipolo, R.Lenzi, A.Maccari, M.Quadrio & G.Felisati
100.o Congresso Nazionale della Societ`a Italiana di Otorinolaringologia e Chirurgia Cervico-Facciale, May 28-31 2013, Roma (I)
Comparing drag reduction techniques in the “Money-vs-Time” framework
M.Quadrio, B.Frohnapfel & Y.Hasegawa
ERCOFTAC Drag reduction and flow control workshop, Dec 10-12 2012, Toulouse (F) -
Near-wall enstrophy generation in a drag-reduced turbulent channel flow with spanwise wall oscillations
P. Ricco, C. Ottonelli, Y. Hasegawa & M. Quadrio
ERCOFTAC Drag reduction and flow control workshop, Dec 10-12 2012, Toulouse (F) -
Fluid dynamics of the nasal cavity: how to, what for
HPC enabling of OpenFOAM for industrial applications, Nov 26-28 2012, CINECA Casalecchio di Reno (I), -
Turbulent drag reduction by spanwise-traveling waves of spanwise wall velocity
W.Xie & M.Quadrio
Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 9,Sep 9-13, 2012, Roma (I) -
What happens to turbulent drag reduction at higher Re?
D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 9,Sep 9-13, 2012, Roma (I) -
The drag-reduction oscillating-wall problem: new insight after 20 years
P.Ricco, C.Ottonelli, Y.Hasegawa & M.Quadrio
Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference 9,Sep 9-13, 2012, Roma (I) -
Turbulence Drag Reduction by In-Plane Wall Motion
W.Xie & M.Quadrio
European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference, Jul 10-12 2012, London (UK) -
Linear stability of a plane Poiseuille flow over a Generalized Stokes Layer
HPC-Europa2 TAM, Jun 25-26 2012, Amsterdam (NL) -
Reevaluation of control performance for turbulent skin-friction drag reduction in terms of energy saving and convenience
Y.Hasegawa, B.Frohnapfel & M.Quadrio
ETMM9, Jun 6-8 2012, Thessaloniki (GR) -
Assessment of Flow Control Techniques in Terms of Time and Energy Savings
B.Frohnapfel, Y.Hasegawa, & M.Quadrio
GAMM, Mar 26-30 2012, Darmstadt (D) -
Turbulent drag reduction at moderate Reynolds numbers via spanwise velocity waves
D.Gatti & M.Quadrio
In Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 12 n.1, pp. 563-564. GAMM, Mar 26-30 2012, Darmstadt (D) -
Non-sinusoidal wall oscillation for drag reduction
A.Cimarelli, B.Frohnapfel Y.Hasegawa, E. De Angelis & M.Quadrio
In Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 12 n.1, pp. 565-566. GAMM, Mar 26-30 2012, Darmstadt (D)
On the Evaluation of Control Performance in Drag Reducing Flows
Y.Hasegawa, B.Frohnapfel & M.Quadrio
64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov 20-22 2011, Baltimore (USA) -
Linear stability of Poiseuille flow over a generalized Stokes layer
M.Quadrio, F.Martinelli & P.J.Schmid
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 318
Euromech Turbulence Conference XIII, Sep 12-15 2011, Warsaw (PL) -
Stability of planar shear flow in presence of electroconvection
F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio & P.J.Schmid
Turbulent Shear Flow Phenomena 7, Jul 28-31 2011, Ottawa (CAN)
Spanwise generalized Stokes layer and turbulent drag reduction
M.Quadrio & P.Ricco
Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference - 8, Sep 13-16 2010, Bad Reichenhall (D) -
Turbulent superfluid profiles in a counterflow channel
L.Galantucci, C.F.Barenghi, M.Sciacca, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
Satellite Workshop on Quantum Turbulence of the International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2010, Aug 7 2010, Grenoble (F) -
Turbulent superfluid profiles in a counterflow channel
L.Galantucci, C.F.Barenghi, M.Sciacca, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
International Symposium on Quantum Fluids and Solids 2010, Aug 3 2010, Grenoble (F) -
Drag-reducing characteristics of the generalized spanwise Stokes Layer: experiments and numerical simulations
Invited presentation, International Specialist Workshop on Open-Loop versus Closed-Loop Control of Wall Turbulence, Mar 17-19 2010, Tokyo (JP)
Superfluid vortices in a wall-bounded flow
L.Galantucci, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
XIX AIMETA Conference, Sep 14-17 2009, Ancona (I) -
Experimental assessment of turbulent drag reduction by wall traveling waves
M.Quadrio, F.Auteri, A.Baron, M.Belan, A.Bertolucci
XII EUROMECH Turbulence Conference, Sep 7-10 2009, Marburg (D) -
Turbulent drag reduction by feedback: a Wiener-filtering approach
F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio, P.Luchini
XII EUROMECH Turbulence Conference, Sep 7-10 2009, Marburg (D) -
Wiener-Hopf design of feedback compensators for drag reduction in turbulent channels
F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
AIDAA Conference, Jun 29 - Jul 2 2009, Milano (I) -
The mean impulse response of homogeneous isotropic turbulence: the first (DNS-based) measurement
M.Carini & M.Quadrio
AIDAA Conference, Jun 29 - Jul 2 2009, Milano (I) -
Streamwise-traveling waves of spanwise wall velocity in a pipe flow: experimental measure of turbulent drag reduction
F.Auteri, A.Baron, M.Belan, A.Bertolucci, G.Gibertini & M.Quadrio
AIDAA Conference, Jun 29 - Jul 2 2009, Milano (I) -
Feedback control of transient energy growth in subcritical plane Poiseuille flow
F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio, J.McKernan, J.Whidborne
IUTAM Symposium on laminar-turbulent transition, Jun 23-26 2009, Stockholm (S)
The response of wall turbulence to streamwise-traveling waves of spanwise wall velocity
ITI Conference on Turbulence III, Oct 12-15 2008, Bertinoro (I) -
Drag reduction effects in a turbulent channel flow induced by spanwise wall oscillations
P.Ricco & M.Quadrio
Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference - 7, Sep 14-18 2008, Manchester (UK) -
Modification of turbulent friction drag by streamwise-traveling waves of spanwise velocity
P.Ricco, M.Quadrio & C. Viotti
European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting – EDRFCM 2008, Sep 8-11 2008, Ostritz - St. Marienthal (D)
Active control and drag reduction of turbulent wall flows
F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
CAPI Conference, Oct 15-16 2007, Milano (I) -
DNS of turbulent pipe flow: how far can we reach today?
M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
II International Workshop on CICLoPE, Oct 13-15 2007, Bertinoro (I) -
Reynolds-number dependence of the feedback control of turbulent channel flow
F.Martinelli, M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
AIDAA Conference, Sep 17-21 2007, Forli’ (I)
Best Paper Award for the Fluid Dynamics Sessions -
Skin-friction drag reduction via steady streamwise oscillations of spanwise velocity
M.Quadrio, C.Viotti & P.Luchini
XI EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, Jun 25-28 2007, Porto (P)
Advances in Turbulence XI, J.M.L.M. Palma and A. Silva Lopez, Springer, 2007. ISBN 9783540726036, 2007, p. 659-661
Endoscopic PIV in a helical pipe coil
F.Auteri, M.Belan, S.Ceccon, G.Gibertini & M.Quadrio
XIV AIVELA Conference, Sep 6-7 2006, Rome (I) -
Wiener filters in active-feedback drag reduction of turbulent channel flow
P.Luchini, T.Bewley & M.Quadrio
Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference - 6, Jun 26-30 2006, Stockholm (S) -
Phase-locked linear response of a turbulent channel flow
P.Luchini, M.Quadrio & S.Zuccher
ERCOFTAC European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting, Apr 10-13 2006, Ischia (I)
An optimal feedback controller for the reduction of turbulent energy in 3D plane-duct flow
P.Luchini, T.Bewley & M.Quadrio
APS Meeting, Nov 20-22 2005, Chicago, IL (US) -
Wall turbulence and roughness
I International Workshop on CICLoPE, Sep 29-30, 2005, Bertinoro (I)
Reduction of turbulent friction by spanwise wall oscillations
P.Ricco & M.Quadrio
XVII AIDAA Meeting, Sep 15-19 2003, pp. 1179–1186, Roma (I) -
Four-dimensional space-time correlations in wall turbulence
M.Quadrio & S.Giussani
XVII AIDAA Meeting, Sep 15-19 2003, pp. 1179–1186, Roma (I) -
Control of Turbulent Channel Flow using Distributed Suction
M.Quadrio, J.M.Floryan & P.Luchini
5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, Aug 24-28 2003, Toulouse (FR) -
Turbulent Drag Reduction over an Oscillating Wall
P.Ricco & M.Quadrio
5th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference, Aug 24-28 2003, Toulouse (FR) -
A Parallel Algorithm for the Direct Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flow
M.Quadrio, P.Luchini & J.M.Floryan
XI Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, May 28-30 2003, Vancouver, B.C. (CAN) -
Modification of Turbulent Flow using Distributed Suction
M.Quadrio, J.M. Floryan & P.Luchini
50th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, Apr 28-30 2003, Montr'eal, Qu'ebec, (CAN)
Adjoint DNS of turbulent channel flow
P.Luchini & M.Quadrio
ASME Fluids Engineering Division Forum on {\em Flow Control}, Jul 14-18 2002, Montr'eal, Qu'eb'ec (CAN) -
The linear response of a turbulent channel flow
M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
IX EUROMECH European Turbulence Conference, July 2-5 2002, Southampton (UK)
A 4th-order-accurate, parallel numerical method for the direct simulation of turbulence in rectangular and cylindrical geometries
M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
Congresso Nazionale AIMETA, Sep 26-29 2001, Catania (I) -
Convection velocity in turbulent flows
M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
XVI Congresso Nazionale AIDAA, Sep 24-28 2001, Palermo (I)
Direct simulation of turbulent flow in a pipe with annular cross-section
M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Conference, Nov 19-23 2000, Eindhoven (NL) -
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow in an annular pipe
M.Quadrio & P.Luchini
Minisyimposium on Transizione e turbolenza, Proc. V Congresso Nazionale SIMAI pp. 626-629, Jun 2000, Ischia Porto (I)
- Drag reduction in turbulent pipe flow with alternate rotation around the axis
III ERCOFTAC Workshop on Vortex Dynamics in Rotating Systems, Jan 1997, Aussois (F)
Direct numerical simulation of active control of turbulence
Invited talk at the EUROMECH Colloquium 332 on Drag Reduction and IX European Drag Reduction Working Meeting, Apr 19-21 1995, Ravello (I) -
A numerical study of turbulent drag reduction by spanwise wall oscillation
A.Baron & M.Quadrio
Proc. XIII Congresso Nazionale AIDAA, 1995, pp. 587-596 Roma (I)
- A cheap DNS tool for turbulence models testing
A.Baron & M.Quadrio
LXXIV AGARD FDP Meeting and Symposium on Application of direct and Large Eddy Simulation to transition and turbulence, AGARD-CP-551, May 1994, Chania (GR)
- Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows under the Narrow Channel assumption
A.Baron & M.Quadrio
Proc. XII Congresso AIDAA, Jul 20-23 1993, pp.501-516, Como (I)
- Riduzione della resistenza di attrito in correnti turbolente e altezza di protrusione di correnti scanalate
A.Baron, M.Quadrio & L.Vigevano
Proc. X Congresso AIDAA, Oct 16-20 1989, Pisa (I)